Sheet number: "Parts of 57c S.E. and 62c N.E. [with penciled note] ?62bSW?" Edition number: 1a.
"Detail and trenches revised from information received to 14-12-17." "Field Survey Co. (10270)." Detail and grid grey; contours yellow/ochre; all trenches red. Area of German counter-attack after Battle of Cambrai - situation fluid. Shows old British and German trench systems (from before Cambrai battle).
Manuscript on face: pencil markings in Gauche Wood and to N and W, including D[ivisional] A[mmunition] C[olumn] and British battery position N of Gauche Wood facing E. Manuscript on reverse: Gouzeaucourt in green crayon.
Location: Research Collections; Fonds: WW1 Trench Maps: France; Box number: PC22; envelope_number: 684.
Sheet number: [36c NW]. Edition number: 2. [German trenches to] 28-5-15. "1st Printing Co., R.E. G.H.Q. (1,039)." Detail and grid black; German trenches in red; British front pecked black. Drawn by First Army intelligence (copied from French war plans directeurs and revised from air photos) with British squaring, and lithographed at GHQ. Red plate registered with needles. The 2nd edition was produced the day after, and immediately replaced the 1st edition which had badly positioned squaring. The Haisnes and Loos sheets were in June 1915 combined into the Auchy-Lens sheet., Location: Research Collections; Fonds: WW1 Trench Maps: France; Box number: PC14; envelope_number: 388, Manuscript on reverse: 2/Lt. A Waterlow, D Coy, 19th [St Pancras Battalion] London Regt.
Sheet number: "Parts of sheet 62c N.E., and 62b N.W." Edition number: 1a. "Detail and trenches revised from information received to 15-12-17." "Field Survey Co. (10297)." Detail and grid grey; contours yellow/ochre; British and German (Hindenburg Line) trench systems in red.
Location: Research Collections; Fonds: WW1 Trench Maps: France; Box number: PC17; envelope_number: 489.
Edition number: 2. On upper, left margin: Part of Sheet 28. On upper, right margin: sheet 7. "Trenches corrected to December 1st 1915." "O.S.O. 1915." German trenches with 2-figure coordinates in red. Title, index map etc., printed on reverse., Location: Research Collections; Fonds: WW1 Trench Maps: France; Box number: PC14; envelope_number: 368
Sheet number: Part of Sheet 28. Edition number: 4a. "German trenches corrected to 19-10-17." "F.S.Co. 1441 7-[11 or 12]-17 [numbers crossed out with red overprint and replaced with] 1322 20-10-17." Detail, grid and contours grey; German trenches and names, batteries, concrete structures, organised shell holes and approximate British Front Line red. Situation at the end of the Passchendaele battle., Location: Research Collections; Fonds: WW1 Trench Maps: France; Box number: PC17; envelope_number: 517, Manuscript in indelible pencil on face:
Artillery fighting map for A/123 Battery [A Battery of 123 Brigade RFA]: No.1 Gun position, zero line, sector 30 degrees left & right of zero line, and arcs, & SOS lines for British field battery position 500 yards SW of The Dump (near Hill 60); Right & Left Bn HQs, Coy HQs and British posts; "Help Austral" SOS line marked 500 yards SE of Hollebeke.
Sheet number: [28 NW4]. "2nd Army. Sheet 5." In upper, left margin: part of sheet 28. "Trenches corrected to Sept 8th 1915. 1st Printing Co R.E., 2nd Army Sec. (396)." Detail, grid and contours grey; German trenches red; 2-figure coordinates blue., Location: Research Collections; Fonds: WW1 Trench Maps: France; Box number: PC17; envelope_number: 529
Edition: 2. 1st Field Survey Co RE 2492. "Trenches corrected to 7-7-17." "All previous editions of this map to be destroyed". "I [First] Corps Topo Section." Detail, grid & British front grey; German trenches & names red; overprint blue. Used by Major J.C. Thomson MC - OC 20th Siege Battery, 8-inch hows. Litho printed in field, and overprint on Ellam duplicator.
Trench map on recto: [Auchy−les−la-Bassée] : First Army Front, 1; January 1917, GSGS 3360.
Location: Research Collections; Fonds: WW1 Trench Maps: France; Box number: PC19; envelope_number: 605
Series Number Id: GSGS 2773a. Sheet number: [36 SW3]. O.S.O. 1915. Detail (including water & ditches), grid, arbitrary target numbers in circles, and British front (pecked), black. German trenches in red., Location: Research Collections; Fonds: WW1 Trench Maps: France; Box number: PC14; envelope_number: 392, Many manuscript topographical intelligence markings. On reverse [2/Lt.] A. Waterlow,[19th [St. Pancras Battalion] London Regt.]. Not printed on reverse.
Series Number Id: GSGS 2773a. Sheet number: [36 SW3]. O.S.O. 1915. Detail (including water & ditches), grid, arbitrary target numbers in circles, and British front (pecked), black. German trenches in red. Two revision insets by First Army Printing Section pasted in place in Rue d'Ouvert and Lorgies areas., Location: Research Collections; Fonds: WW1 Trench Maps: France; Box number: PC15; envelope_number: 407, Manuscript on face: Yellow Road, Willow Road [inverted], Brewery Corner [normal orientation]. Manuscript on reverse: D[Coy?], O.C. 'C' Coy, OC Coy 7th Londons [City of London Battalion, London Regt.].
Series Number Id: GSGS 3049a; Sheet number: [36cNW1]. "10.4.15" Givenchy - Cuinchy - Cambrin Area. O.S.O. 1915. Detail (including water & ditches), grid, arbitrary target numbers in circles, and British front (pecked), black. German trenches (including la Bassee defences 3,000 yards behind the front line) red. One of early 1915 inverted series covering First Army front. An identical copy was received in the GSGS Map Room (War Office) on 18-4-15, indicating little time lost between drawing (in France) and printing (at Southampton). A similar sheet (GSGS 3049) was printed at 1:5,000 at the same time., Location: Research Collections; Fonds: WW1 Trench Maps: France; Box number: PC20; envelope_number: 646
5th [ed.] "Intelligence map no. 9". Trenches corrected to 28th May 1918, overprint 15/8/18. "[1st] Field Survey Battn. R.E. 6458." Overprint: T416 "A" [1st] Corps Topo. Detail, grid & contours grey. German trenches & names red. British trenches & names blue. Intelligence on German defence organisation (MGs, OPs, TMs, dugouts, organised shellholes et.) in blue. Road & tracks yellow. Issued by First Corps Topographical Section. All the trenches and most of the Intelligence shown on this map were obtained from air photos; a small amount of Intelligence was obtained by direct observation and by listening post and patrols. The background and original British and German trenches were printed by 1st Field Survey Battalion on a litho press, while the Intelligence interpretation and overprint was done by First Corps, the overprint being printed with an Ellam duplicator (stylus on waxed sheet stencil principle). The usual edition size for such an Intelligence overprint was between 100 and 300 copies. Used by Major J.C. Thomson MC (OC 20th Siege Battery, 8-inch hows). Location: Research Collections; Fonds: WW1 Trench Maps: France; Box number: PC17; envelope_number: 507.
Series Number Id: GSGS 3049a. Sheet number: [36c NW1]. "10.4.15" Givenchy - Cuinchy - Cambrin Area. O.S.O. 1915. Detail (including water & ditches), grid, arbitrary target numbers in circles, and British front (pecked), black. German trenches (including la Bassee defences 3,000 yards behind the front line) red. One of early 1915 inverted series covering First Army front. An identical copy was received in the GSGS Map Room (War Office) on 18-4-15, indicating little time lost between drawing (in France) and printing (at Southampton). A similar sheet (GSGS 3049) was printed at 1:5,000 at the same time., Location: Research Collections; Fonds: WW1 Trench Maps: France; Box number: PC15; envelope_number: 408, Manuscript: British trenches and buildings in Givenchy area. Manuscript on reverse: [2/Lt.] A. Waterlow [19th (St. Pancras) Batallion, London Regt.]
Edition number: 2. "Trenches corrected from information received up to 22-7-17." "5th Field Survey Co. R.E. (1282) 21-7-17." Detail, grid and contours grey; German trenches and names red; British trenches and names dark grey. Sheetlines at angle to grid north., Location: Research Collections; Fonds: WW1 Trench Maps: France; Box number: PC17; envelope_number: 522, Manuscript on face: Stokes [mortar] positions S of Pilckhem.
Sheet number: [36c SW]. Edition number: 5. "Trenches corrected to 19-9-17". On lower margin in blue: T.186, issued 27/9/17, [1st] Corps Topo Section. "[1st] Field Survey Co. R.E. 5077." "[Enemy] disposition map 27/9/17 to be used in conjunction with information map attached." Roads & tracks yellow; detail, grid, British trenches & names grey; German trenches, names & light railways red; enemy order of battle & dispositions (companies HQs etc.) blue. Stamped red on right margin: No. 7 Canadian Siege Battery, Oct 15 1917. Litho printed in the field and overprint on Ellam duplicator. Used by Major J.C. Thomson MC (OC 20th Siege Battery, 8-inch hows)., Location: Research Collections; Fonds: WW1 Trench Maps: France; Box number: PC17; envelope_number: 500
Sheet number: [36c SW1]. Edition number: 5. "Trenches corrected to 19-9-17". Overprint in blue along lower margin: Secret -- T.185, Issued 27/9/17, [1st] Corps Topo Section. "Field Survey Co. R.E. 5077." Stamped in red: No 7 Canadian Siege Battery, Oct 15 1917. Intelligence to 25-9-17 in blue; roads and tracks yellow; detail, grid, British trenches and names grey; German trenches, names & light railways red; tactical intelligence overprint blue. Litho printed in field, overprint on Ellam duplicator. Used by Major J.C. Thomson MC (OC 20th Siege Battery, 8-inch hows). Attached item: typed, duplicated note on 8/15 light machine guns. "Extract of orders issued by Sixth German Army which is opposite us.", Location: Research Collections; Fonds: WW1 Trench Maps: France; Box number: PC17; envelope_number: 498
"Trenches from information received other than photographs." "Field Survey Battn., R.E. (9489) 9-8-18." "Trenches corrected from information received up to 11-8-18." "Note: change of colour - British trences = red, German trenches = blue". Sheetlines at angle to grid north. Detail and grid grey; contours ochre; German trenches and names blue; British trenches and names red., Location: Research Collections; Fonds: WW1 Trench Maps: France; Box number: PC17; envelope_number: 532, Manuscript on face: RAP W of Locre and markings S of Locre for British advance [?] including Rome Farm and Locrehof Farm. Manuscript on reverse: Farnsdale [?] Scully [?] Miller [?]. Used by Cpl G.H. Blunden - London Scottish [Edmund Blunden had two brothers whose initials were G; Gilbert was G.A. Blunden, who printed Edmund's 'De Bello Germanico'. The other was Geoffrey].
Loos Battlefield [May 1915]. "1st Printing Coy., R.E., G.H.Q. (1,031)." Detail and grid black; German trenches in red; British front pecked black. Drawn by First Army Intelligence (copied from French war plans directeurs and revised from air photos) with British squaring, and lithographed at GHQ. Red plate registered with needles. Manuscript on reverse: 2/Lt. A. Waterlow, D. Coy, 19th [St. Pancras Battalion] London Regt. [141st Bridgade, 47th Division]. The Haisnes and Loos sheets were, in June 1915, combined into the new Auchy - Lens sheet.
Location: Research Collections; Fonds: WW1 Trench Maps: France; Box number: PC28; envelope_number: 829.