5th [ed.] "Intelligence map no. 9". Trenches corrected to 28th May 1918, overprint 15/8/18. "[1st] Field Survey Battn. R.E. 6458." Overprint: T416 "A" [1st] Corps Topo. Detail, grid & contours grey. German trenches & names red. British trenches & names blue. Intelligence on German defence organisation (MGs, OPs, TMs, dugouts, organised shellholes et.) in blue. Road & tracks yellow. Issued by First Corps Topographical Section. All the trenches and most of the Intelligence shown on this map were obtained from air photos; a small amount of Intelligence was obtained by direct observation and by listening post and patrols. The background and original British and German trenches were printed by 1st Field Survey Battalion on a litho press, while the Intelligence interpretation and overprint was done by First Corps, the overprint being printed with an Ellam duplicator (stylus on waxed sheet stencil principle). The usual edition size for such an Intelligence overprint was between 100 and 300 copies. Used by Major J.C. Thomson MC (OC 20th Siege Battery, 8-inch hows). Location: Research Collections; Fonds: WW1 Trench Maps: France; Box number: PC17; envelope_number: 507.
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