Sheet number: Part of Sheet 28. Edition number: 4a. "German trenches corrected to 19-10-17." "F.S.Co. 1441 7-[11 or 12]-17 [numbers crossed out with red overprint and replaced with] 1322 20-10-17." Detail, grid and contours grey; German trenches and names, batteries, concrete structures, organised shell holes and approximate British Front Line red. Situation at the end of the Passchendaele battle., Location: Research Collections; Fonds: WW1 Trench Maps: France; Box number: PC17; envelope_number: 517, Manuscript in indelible pencil on face:
Artillery fighting map for A/123 Battery [A Battery of 123 Brigade RFA]: No.1 Gun position, zero line, sector 30 degrees left & right of zero line, and arcs, & SOS lines for British field battery position 500 yards SW of The Dump (near Hill 60); Right & Left Bn HQs, Coy HQs and British posts; "Help Austral" SOS line marked 500 yards SE of Hollebeke.