Printed map. "26th March 1787." Visual scale [78 mm=30 nautic leagues]. Includes textual notes and chart, "Astronomical observations on which this chart is grounded." Possibly from a later edition of The North American Pilot for Newfoundland, Labradore, the Gulf and River St. Laurence..., chiefly engraved by Thomas Jefferys, 1784 [i.e. 1788] or later.
Printed map. Second state. "Survey'd by order of His Excellency Brigadier General Lawrence, Governour of the Province of Nova Scotia; by Charles Morris, Chief Surveyor". "Published by command of the Right Honourable the Lords of Trade & Plantations, for the benefit of the trade and navigation, of Great Britain and its Colonies." "Engraved by Thomas Jefferys, Geographer to the King." "25th. March 1775." Visual scale [1 inch=1 mile]. "IX" in upper right margin. Described in Kershaw, Early Printed Maps of Canada, Volume III, entry 821, p. 130: "Published in: North-American Pilot, 1777. v. Pl.9... Outside the neatline, top right is 'IX', and below centre 'London. Printed for & Sold by Robt. Sayer & Jno. Bennett, No. 53, in Fleet Street, as the Act directs. 25th. March 1775'. The date 1759 has been erased from the title, which ends with 'Engraved by Thomas Jefferys, Geographer / to the KING.'. In addition, on 'High Whitehead, contour shading has been inserted, and Halifax and its suburbs have been shaded. Along the southern coastline of the harbour, further changes have been made immediately south of 'Dartmouth', and to the details of 'a Shoal Bay'."
Printed map. Visual scale. Described in Sellers and Van Ee, Maps and Charts of North America and the West Indies 1750-1789, entry 676, p. 142: "In The English Pilot, the fourth book, plate [7]."
Printed map. Visual scale. Includes 2 inset maps: A plan of Port Dauphin, on the eastern side of Cape Breton Island, surveyed in 1743; A plan of Murgain or Cow Bay, on the eastern side of Cape Breton Island, surveyed in August 1760. In upper, right margin, "x".
Described in Sellers and Van Ee, Maps and Charts of North America and the West Indies 1750-1789, entry 384, p. 82: "In North-American pilot. v.1, plate 10... Shows navigational sightings, anchorages, shoals, soundings, and relief..."
Printed map. Fourth state. "By Thomas Jefferys, Geographer to the King." Two visual scales. "15 June 1775." "VII" in upper right margin. Described in Kershaw, Early Printed Maps of Canada, Volume III, entry 745, p. 60: "Published in The American Atlas. Sayer & Bennett 1775, 1776 [1780], 1777, 1778, 1783... In addition to the title change, the imprint inside the lower border changes to 'Published according to Act of Parliament by Thos. Jefferys. Geographer to the King. / London, Printed & Sold by R. Sayer & J. Bennett, No. 53 in Fleet Street 15 June 1775.', with the last line engraved just outside the border. There are extensive cartographical changes to the map. For example Anticosti, Chaleur Bay, Cape Breton Island, and the area around the Bay of Fundy are all re-engraved. 'VII' is engraved top right, outside the neat-line. The depth soundings off the coast of Nova Scotia are retained. This state of the map was issued in a number of Atlas editions over the next decade, with at least seven different hand-coloured boundary configurations. However, all these are published from the same plate."
Printed map. Cartographer uncertain, probably Philippe Marie Guillaume Vandermaelen. In right corner of title panel, "No 44." Described in Catalogue of the National Map Collection, Public Archives of Canada, A/100-1827, vol. 1, p. 170: "Location or Source: Vandermaelen, Ph. Atlas Universal de Geographie. (4 partie) Bruxelles, 1827. No. 44."
Printed map. Cartographer unknown. Visual scale [70 mm=1 mile]. Described in Sellers and Van Ee, Maps and Charts of North America and the West Indies 1750-1789, entry 664, p. 140: "[London, 1755] In The English pilot, the fourth book, plate [10]". Map of Harbor Grace [RMC_8904] is on the recto.
Visual scale. In lower left margin, "Croisey Sculp." In upper right margin, "Tome I. No. 25." Along lower margin, "Voyez la Carte de l'Isle Royale No. 22." Includes A-J index for points of interest. Described in Kershaw, Early Printed Maps of Canada, Volume III, entry 878, p. 188: "Published in: Le Petit Atlas Maritime; - Paris 1764." McMaster has another copy of this map with accession #4150.
Printed map. Two visual scales [52 mm=70 British statute miles & 60 mm=70 geographical miles]. Includes inset, "Newfoundland." Also includes list of "Quebec counties [and] districts" numbered 27 to 58, with introductory note, "1 to 26 see Map No. 51." In upper right margin, "50". Taken from an atlas; source unconfirmed. Probably from same original source as McMaster maps RMC_107357 and RMC_107359. Acquired as part of the Hodsoll Collection.
Printed map. "Drawn & engraved by J. Bartholomew, Edinburgh". Two visual scales [47 mm=60 geographical miles]. In lower right margin, "East sheet XLVI-I". Includes inset, "Newfoundland, on a reduced scale." Possibly from Black's Atlas of North America (Edinburgh : Adam and Charles Black, 1856). Acquired as part of the Hodsoll Collection.
"Dressée au depost des cartes et plans de la marine pour le service des vaisseaux du roy par ordre de M. le duc de Choiseul Colonel-général des suisses et grisons, Ministre de la guerre et de la marine. Par le S. Bellin Ingenieur de la marine et du depost." Below visual scales it states, "Le plan de l'Isle est conforme a l'original levé par le Sr. Fortin Ingr. geographe." Includes inset map with title, "Carte d'une partie de l'Isle de Terre Neuve et les isles de St. Pierre et Miquelon". Described in Catalogue of the National Map Collection, Public Archives of Canada, VI/1142 - 1763, Volume 11, p. 494: "Le plan de l'Isle est conforme a l'Original levé par Le Sr Fortin, ingénieur géographe."
Visual scale. Described in Catalogue of the National Map Collection, Public Archives of Canada, A/1142 - 1764, Volume 11, p. 495: "Bellin, Jaques Nicolas, LE PETIT ATLAS MARITIME...1764. Tome 1, no. 18." Described in Sellers and Van Ee, Maps and Charts of North America and the West Indies 1750-1789, entry 696, p. 146: "Shows coast shoals, rocks, soundings, vegetation, and relief. Oriented with north to the right. 'Tome I. No. 18' in upper right margin."
Printed map. Dressée par N.B. Ingenieur au Dépost des Cartes et Plans de la Marine". "Dheulland sculp." Two visual scales [92 mm=50 lieues communes de France] and [92 mm=40 lieues marines de France et d'Angleterre]. Prime meridian: Paris. Originally published in Pierre-Francois-Xavier de Charlevoix, Histoire et Description Generale de la Nouvelle France, 1744. Described in Catalogue of the National Map Collection, vol. 1, B/100-1744, p. 8. Described in Kershaw, Early Printed Maps of Canada, Vol. II, entry 515, p. 155. Acquired as part of the Hodsoll Collection.
Printed map. "Par N. Bellin Ingénieur de la Marine 1744". Two visual scales. Described in Kershaw, Early Printed Maps of Canada, Volume III, entries 684 and 685, pp. 3-4: "Published in: Histoire et Description Generale de la Nouvelle France - Tome Permier A Paris, Chez Rolin - M.DCC.XLIV. Pierre-Francois Xavier de Carlevoix." First state has a "35" rotated on its side, engraved outside the left-hand neat-line. Second state has no engraved number. McMaster's copy has been trimmed on the left hand side obscuring the position of the "35" notation which would indicate if this is the first or second state.
Cartographer uncertain, probably Jacques Nicolas Bellin. In upper right margin, "Tome I. No. 20." In lower right margin, "Croisey Sculp." Described in Kershaw, Early Printed Maps of Canada, Volume II, entry 534, p. 174: "Published in: Le Petit Atlas Maritime; recueil de Cartes et plans des Quatre Parties du Monde, - .Paris 1764." Described in Sellers and Van Ee, Maps and Charts of North America and the West Indies 1750-1789, entry 682, p. 143.
Visual scale. In upper right margin, "Tome I, No. 16." In lower left margin, "A. Voyez le Plan de l'Isle St. Pierre." Described in Catalogue of the National Map Collection, Public Archives of Canada A/1142 - Miquelon & St. Pierre - [1764], Volume 11, p.495: "In Bellin, Le petit Atlas Maritime, I (1764), No. 16." Described in Sellers and Van Ee, Maps and Charts of North America and the West Indies 1750-1789, entry 694, p.145: "Includes part of the coast of Newfoundland. Shows anchorages, shoals, rocks, soundings, and relief."
"Levée par Ordre de M. Le Duc de Choiseul Colonel Général des Suisses et Grisons Ministre de la Guerre et de la Marine 1763. Reduite et assujetie au Ciel par le Service des Vaisseaux du Roy par le Sr. Bellin Ingenieur de la Marine". Handwritten annotation in the lower left margin is difficult to transcribe fully, "... a trente voln dans tout le Royaume pour les Navigateurs [signed] D [2nd initial illegible]." Includes 1 inset map. Described in Catalogue of the National Map Collection, Public Archives of Canada, A/1142 - 1763, Volume 11, p. 493: "France, Dépôt Général des Cartes, Plans et Journaux de la Marine, NEPTUNE AMERICO-SEPTENTRIONAL... (Paris, 1778-1780), no. 30."
"Dressée au depost des cartes et plans de la marine par ordre de M. le duc de Choiseul colonel général des suisses et grisons Ministre de la guerre et de la marine par le S. Bellin, ingénieur de la Marine M.DCC.LXIV. Corrigée en 1767, sur les rems. des naviga."
Described in Catalogue of the National Map Collection, Public Archives of Canada, V1/100 -1767, volume 1, p. 14: "Source - Bellin, J.N. L'hydrographie francoise... Paris, chez m. Bellin (1737-1772), v. 2, no. 21."
Described in Sellers and Van Ee, Maps and Charts of North America and the West Indies 1750-1789, entry 643, p. 136: "Chart of the northern coast of Newfoundland from Notre Dame to St. Georges Bay. Includes part of the coast of Labrador. Shows harbors, bays, and inlets, shoals, rocks, islands, some anchorages, place-names, and relief. Appears in the author's L'hydrographie francoise (1750-84), v. 2."
Printed map. "Dressée sur les observations faites par ordre du Roi en 1750 et 1751. Par M. de Chabert...." In lower left margin, "Dheulland Sculp." "Longitude occidentale du meridien de Paris." First state. Described in Kershaw, Early Printed Maps of Canada, Volume III, entry 699, p. 14: "Published in: source not located... Engraved bottom left outside the border, is 'Dheulland Sculp.', with 'Page 1' top left. The title is engraved above the map, inside a simple single line frame."