Canada, Atlantic (RMC)


Carte régionale de la province de Québec
Carte régionale de la province de Québec
Printed map. East sheet; west sheet lacking. "Dressée au Département des Terres de la Couronne. Par Jules Taché, A.P." Two visual scales [127 mm=20 English miles] and [118 mm=30 kilometers]. "Decembre 1895." Described in Catalogue of the National Map Collection, Public Archives of Canada, vol. 2, H1/300-1895, p. 185. Acquired as part of the Hodsoll Collection.
Cattalina Harbor
Cattalina Harbor
Printed map. Cartographer unknown. Visual scale [118 mm=3 miles]. Described in Sellers and Van Ee, Maps and Charts of North America and the West Indies 1750-1789, entry 654, p. 138: "[London 1755]. In The English pilot, the fourth book. plate [11]". Map of Port Bonavista [RMC_8905] is on the verso. For a colour copy, see RMC_4165.
Cattalina Harbor
Cattalina Harbor
Printed map. Cartographer unknown. Visual scale [40 mm=1 mile]. Described in Sellers and Van Ee, Maps and Charts of North America and the West Indies 1750-1789, entry 654, p. 138: "[London 1755]. In The English pilot, the fourth book. plate [11]". Two maps on 1 sheet; Port Bonavista map [RMC_4164] is on the recto. For a copy of the map which is not coloured, see RMC_8807.
Colton's New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Prince Edward Id.
Colton's New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Prince Edward Id.
Printed map. "Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1855 by J.H. Colton & Co. in the Clerks Office of the District Court for the Southern District of New York." Visual scale [39 mm=80 miles]. In lower right margin, "No. 6". Three columns of text on verso under heading, "The Province of Nova Scotia". Probably originally published in Colton's Atlas of the World, illustrating physical and political geography; or Colton's general atlas...; or Colton's atlas of America..., published 1855. Acquired as part of the Hodsoll Collection.
Geological map of Newfoundland from the Geological map of Canada
Geological map of Newfoundland from the Geological map of Canada
Printed map. The word, "Geological", in the title may have been overprinted. Base map possibly originally published in Walker and Miles' The New Standard Atlas of the Dominion of Canada, or a similar edition, circa 1875. Acquired as part of the Hodsoll Collection.
Harbor Grace
Harbor Grace
Printed map. Cartographer unknown. Visual scale [87 mm=3 miles]. Described in Sellers and Van Ee, Maps and Charts of North America and the West Indies 1750-1789, entry 659, p. 139: "[London, 1755] In The English pilot, the fourth book, plate [9]". Map of Bay Bulls [RMC_8952] is on the verso.
Johnson's New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, and Prince Edward Id.
Johnson's New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, and Prince Edward Id.
Printed map. "By Johnson and Ward." Visual scale [39 mm=80 miles]. Originally published in Johnson's New Illustrated Family Atlas of the World, circa 1863-1866; exact edition date uncertain. In lower right margin, "19." On verso: "Geographical index, or ready reference", [page] "27", comprised of an index in 7 columns, Cedar Fork to Cold Spring. Acquired as part of the Hodsoll Collection.
La Nvova Francia
La Nvova Francia
Printed map. Third edition. Published originally in Ramusio's Navigationi et Viaggi, vol. 3, 1606. Described in Kershaw, Early Printed Maps of Canada 1540-1703, vol. 1, entry 15b, p. 18: "The final edition of the Viaggi appeared in 1606, and the maps are identical to those of the second edition with the exception of the page numbers that have been changed from 424/425 to 353/354. In addition, the Nvova Francia wood-block appears to have been damaged by wood-worm since its last use in 1565, so that elongate oval blank areas appear in the final printed form of the map where the surface of the block has been wormed. Th Grand Fishing Banks are denoted here by the long curved stippled 'shoal' named 'Isola della rena.' 'Rena' is equivalent to the French 'sablon' and this in turn is Sable Island. By the mid-16th century the Newfoundland fishing banks were visited regularly by fishermen from Europe, although such crossings to the New World went largely unrecorded." Acquired as part of the Banks Collection.
Lower Canada, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edwards Id. Newfoundland, and a large portion of the United States
Lower Canada, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edwards Id. Newfoundland, and a large portion of the United States
Printed map. "By J. Arrowsmith." Two visual scales [60 mm=80 English miles]. "Pubd. 15 Feby. 1846". Includes inset of the island of Newfoundland. In upper right margin, "42". Originally published in Arrowsmith's The London Atlas of Universal Geography... (London: J. Arrowsmith, edition uncertain), plate 42. Described in Winearls, Mapping Upper Canada 1780-1867, entry 91 (6), p. 34-35. Acquired as part of the Hodsoll Collection.
North America : sheet I. Nova-Scotia with part of New Brunswick and Lower Canada
North America : sheet I. Nova-Scotia with part of New Brunswick and Lower Canada
Printed map. "Published by the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge." Visual scale [110 mm=120 English miles]. Hand annotated "130" in upper right margin. Probably from same original copy as McMaster map RMC_107337, RMC_107339 and RMC_107344. Probable source is Society's publication, Maps of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, published London: Chapman & Hall, 1844 (based on Winearls' description of RMC_107339 and RMC_107344 from Mapping Upper Canada 1780-1867). Acquired as part of the Hodsoll Collection.
Nova Scotia and Newfoundland
Nova Scotia and Newfoundland
Printed map. "The map, drawn & engraved by J. Rapkin". "The illustrations by A. Fussell, & engraved by J. Rogers." Visual scale. Illustrations: seals of Nova Scotia and Cape Breton, and Newfoundland; Halifax, Nova Scotia; Cod fishery off Newfoundland; and, [Newfoundland dogs]. Donated by Dr. Karl Freeman, Hamilton, March 1995.
Partie de l'Isle de Terre Neuve
Partie de l'Isle de Terre Neuve
Printed map. In title panel, "Amér. Sep. No. 37." Described in Catalogue of the National Map Collection, Public Archives of Canada, vol. 1, A/100-[1827], p. 24: "Vandermaelen, Ph. Atlas Universal de Geographie. (4 partie) Bruxelles, 1827. No. 37. Shows east coast of Nfld from Flamborough Head north to Taple Bay, Labrador." Acquired as part of the Hodsoll Collection.
Plan de la rade et port de l'Isle St. Pierre
Plan de la rade et port de l'Isle St. Pierre
Visual scale. Described in Catalogue of the National Map Collection, Public Archives of Canada, A/1142 - 1764, Volume 11, p. 495: "Located in: J.N. Bellin, Le petit atlas maritime, 1764, v.1, no. 19." Described in Sellers and Van Ee, Maps and Charts of North America and the West Indies 1750-1789, entry 697, p. 146: "Shows rocks, shoals, and soundings in the harbor, wharves, and houses along the shore, vegetation, and relief. 'Tome I, no. 19' in upper right margin. Oriented with north to the upper right."
Plan du Port Dauphin et de sa rade avec l'entrée de Labrador
Plan du Port Dauphin et de sa rade avec l'entrée de Labrador
"Par N.B. Ing. au D. de la M." Visual scales. Includes inset, "Fort projetté pour défendre l'entreé du Port Dauphin." Number "6" appears in left margin. Described in Kershaw, Early Printed Maps of Canada Volume II, entry 517, p. 161: "Published in: Histoire et Description Generale de la Nouvelle France Charlevoix. Paris 1744."
Plan du Port Royal dans l'Acadie, appellé aujourd'. par les Anglois Annapolis Royal
Plan du Port Royal dans l'Acadie, appellé aujourd'. par les Anglois Annapolis Royal
Visual scale. In upper, right margin, "Tome I, No. 27." Described in Kershaw, Early Printed Maps of Canada Volume III, entry 791, p. 89: "Published in: Le Petit Atlas Maritime; recueil de Cartes et plans des Quatre Parties du Monde,- Paris 1764." Described in Sellers and Van Ee, Maps and Charts of North America and the West Indies 1750-1789, entry 538, p. 114.
Plan du port de la Haive situé á la côte d'Accadie
Plan du port de la Haive situé á la côte d'Accadie
Printed map. "Par N.B. Ing. de la M. 1744." In lower left margin, "Dheulland Sculp." Visual scale. Described in Kershaw, Early Printed Maps of Canada Volume III, entry 766, p. 80: "Published in: Histoire et Description Generale de la Nouvelle France - Tome Premier A Paris, Chez Rolin - M.DCC.XLIV. Pierre-Francois-Xavier de Charlevoix... 'Dheulland Sculp.' is engraved in the bottom left corner, outside the neat-line, and '5.' is engraved on its side, outside the left-hand neat-line. 'Par N.B. Ing de la M. 1744' is engraved in the bottom right corner, inside the neat-line."
Port Bonavista
Port Bonavista
Printed map. Cartographer unknown. Visual scale [117 mm=4 miles]. Described in Sellers and Van Ee, Maps and Charts of North America and the West Indies 1750-1789, entry 652, p. 138: "[London 1755]. In The English pilot, the fourth book. plate [12]". Map of Cattalina Harbor [RMC_8807] is on the recto. For a coloured copy, see RMC_4164.
Port Bonavista
Port Bonavista
Printed map. Cartographer unknown. Visual scale [40 mm=1 mile]. Handwritten "No. 11-" in upper left corner. Map of Cattalina Harbor (RMC_4165) is on the verso. Described in Sellers and Van Ee, Maps and Charts of North America and the West Indies 1750-1789, entry 652, p. 138: "[London 1755]. In, The English Pilot, the fourth book. plate [12]". For a copy which is not coloured, see RMC_8905.
