# Introduction The georeferencing files made available through the digital archive contain resources to georeference the original image using QGIS software. Contents include: - Ground control point (GCP) file [macrepo_88954.tiff.points] necessary to georeference this map using QGIS - This readme file [macrepo_88954_README.txt], which contains coordinate reference system information and instructions on how to georeference the downloaded original image [TIFF or JPEG2000] - ISO 19115 metadata file [macrepo_88954_ISO19115.xml], which provides additional geospatial metadata. Note that this file may not be included in all packages. # Coordinate reference system (CRS) information - The GCP file [macrepo_88954.tiff.points] that is provided in this package is formatted for QGIS software. More information on converting to other software formats (e.g. ArcGIS) can be found at https://github.com/maclibGIS/Digital-Archive-Tools/blob/master/georeferencing-tools/ - Ground control points (GCPs) have been created in the CRS defined by NAD27 / UTM zone 17N / EPSG:26717 (https://spatialreference.org/ref/epsg/nad27-utm-zone-17n/). - Find more information on setting and using CRS in QGIS software at https://github.com/maclibGIS/Digital-Archive-Tools/blob/master/georeferencing-tools/ # Using the GCP file to georeference the original image - Guidance can be found at https://github.com/maclibGIS/Digital-Archive-Tools/blob/master/georeferencing-tools/ # Disclaimer - The files included in this package and the information within are made available to the user on an as-is basis. While the contents of this package have been curated, we make no guarantees about their overall accuracy or utility. # License - All materials in this package are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.5/ca/).