"Scale 1 1/2 in = 100 yds." Title has: Plan of camp H.Q. [maple leaf image] Corps (i.e. Canadian Corps). For Passchendaele offensive -Oct./Nov. 1917? Shows camps, offices, etc. and L'Ebbe Farm, northwest of Poperinge. Trench map on recto: [St. Julien, Zonnebeke : 3rd Battle of Ypres], 1917.
Location: Research Collections; Fonds: WW1 Trench Maps: France; Box number: PC21; envelope_number: 649.
Valcartier camp in Quebec was the primary mustering centre and training base for the First Canadian Contingent in 1914. It would eventually hold 35,000 troops. From there, troops would embark for more training on the Salisbury plains in England, and then active service on the battlefields of Europe. "Map No. 86, Surveyed and Heliozincographed by the Survey Division, Department of Militia and Defence." Camp boundary, and areas designated for individual military units, outlined in red. Location: Research Collections, WWI Trench Map and Aerial Photograph Collection, Box14, Envelope 3.
Shows Fifth Army Headquarters during the 3rd Battle of Ypres, covering La Lovie Chateau and region. Shows buildings, grounds, lakes, roads, huts, etc. and detailing the headquarter branches using each hut or group of huts: Camp Commandant, Signal Office, Army Post Office, incinerators, latrines, ration stores, wind gauge, PP and RR cable section, 50th Motor Airline [section], etc.
Extraordinarily rare; probably unique.
Location: Research Collections; Fonds: WW1 Trench Maps: France; Box number: PC20; envelope number: 630.
Sheet number: [28 NW3]. "Diagram Plan, no scale, shewing main watercourse directions / sheet 28." [Squares] G.34 and M4. [Camp south of Reninghelst]. Covers about a square kilometre of ground, showing camp and environs, roads, farms, main watercourse directions, huts, cinema, well, pond, etc. Legend shows key points, flow direction, bridges required, ditches required making or cleaning, and strong bridges required. Many such camps crowded the area to the west of Ypres, and more were constructed before Third Ypres. Undated, but probably 1916-1917., Location: Research Collections; Fonds: WW1 Trench Maps: France; Box number: PC19; envelope_number: 606