Turkey 1:200k Topographic Maps


Series: Deutsche Heereskarte, Turkei 1:200 000. Sheet number B-III. Edition 3. Base map produced in 1941, revised in 1943. The red, printed grid corresponds to the German Army Grid and is based on the 27th meridian east of Greenwich. Magnetic declination is 27 degrees east of Greenwich for the year 1942. This map series is based on original Turkish maps at 1:200,000 scale dated, 1932; Bulgarian maps at 1:50,000 dated, 1939. Located in the Lloyd Reeds Map Collection, call no. G 7430 s200 MC51D Sheet B-III.
Series: GSGS 4193. Sheet number E8. Edition 1. Greenwich longitude of Istanbul is 28° 59' east, approximately. Magnetic declination is 2° 12' east of True North for the year 1941. This map is based on original Turkish maps dated 1926; communications revised based on turkish maps at 1:800,000 scale dated, 1936. Reprint by Army map service. U.S. Army Washington. D.C., dated November 1942. Lambert conical orthomorphic proj. Located in the Lloyd Reeds Map Collection, call no. G 7430 s200 MC51D Sheet E8.
M.D.R. 3/347. Sheet number G2. Greenwich longitude of Istanbul is 28° 59' east, approximately. Magnetic declination is 7' east of True North for the year 1942. This map is drawn by No. 1 Drawing Unit, I.G.S.C.; Reproduced by 512 (A. Fd. Svy.) Coy., R.E., dated February 1942; Based on original Turkish maps at 1:200,000 scale, dated 1937; Roads revised from 1:200,000 Revision material. Located in the Lloyd Reeds Map Collection, call no. G 7430 s200 MC51D Sheet G2.
Series: Deutsche Heereskarte, Turkei 1:200 000. Sheet number G-III. Edition 3. Base map produced in 1941, revised in 1943. The red, printed grid corresponds to the German Army Grid and is based on the 27th meridian east of Greenwich. Magnetic declination is 27 degrees east of Greenwich for the year 1942. This map series is based on original Turkish maps at 1:200,000 scale dated, 1930. Located in the Lloyd Reeds Map Collection, call no. G 7430 s200 MC51D Sheet G-III.
Series: Deutsche Heereskarte, Turkei 1:200 000. Sheet number C-VII. Edition 3. Base map produced in 1941, revised in 1943. The red, printed grid corresponds to the German Army Grid and is based on the 33rd meridian east of Greenwich. Magnetic declination is 33 degrees east of Greenwich for the year 1942. This map series is based on original Turkish maps at 1:200,000 scale dated, 1936. Located in the Lloyd Reeds Map Collection, call no. G 7430 s200 MC51D Sheet C-VII.
Series: Deutsche Heereskarte, Turkei 1:200 000. Sheet number C-XIII. Edition 3. Base map produced in 1941, revised in 1943. The red, printed grid corresponds to the German Army Grid and is based on the 27th meridian east of Greenwich. Magnetic declination is 39 degrees east of Greenwich for the year 1942. This map series is based on original Turkish maps at 1:200,000 scale dated, 1931. Located in the Lloyd Reeds Map Collection, call no. G 7430 s200 MC51D Sheet C-XIII.
