Ontario lake maps


Right Lake
Right Lake
"Survey date - June, 1966-August 11, 1966". Visual scale. Relief shown by contours. Includes text.
Riven Lake
Riven Lake
"Survey map, May 1967". Visual scale. Shows fish species, timber and vegetation. Includes chart. Relief shown by contours.
Robertson Lake, Lanark County
Robertson Lake, Lanark County
"Surveyed July 1967". Visual scale. Shows fish species, timber and aquatic vegetation. Includes chart. Relief shown by contours.
Roger Lake
Roger Lake
"Survey date - June 6, 1966". Visual scale. Relief shown by contours. Includes text. Upper right corner of sheet lacking.
Round Lake
Round Lake
"Survey map, June 1967". Visual scale. Shows fish species and vegetation. Includes chart. Relief shown by contours.
Salveson Lake
Salveson Lake
"Survey date - September 22, 1966". Visual scale. Relief shown by contours. Includes text.
Silver Lake
Silver Lake
"Survey date - June 13-16, 1967". Visual scale. Relief shown by contours. Includes text.
Silver Queen Lake
Silver Queen Lake
"Survey date, July 31, 1962". Visual scale. Relief shown by contours. Includes text.
Singleton Lake showing depth contours, vegetation and temperatures
Singleton Lake showing depth contours, vegetation and temperatures
"Conservation Authorities Branch Dept. E.&R.M. D.McC. 1965". Visual Scale. Shows density of vegetation, shoreline bottem and chief vegetation. Relief shown by contours. Includes chart.
South Lake showing depth contours, vegetation and temperatures
South Lake showing depth contours, vegetation and temperatures
"Conservation Authorities Br. Dept. E.&R.M. N.T. 1966". Visual Scale. Shows density of vegetation, shoreline bottem and chief vegetation. Relief shown by contours. Includes chart.
Sumach Lake
Sumach Lake
"Survey date - August 6-11, 1966". Visual scale. Relief shown by contours. Includes text.
Taylor Lake, Lanark County
Taylor Lake, Lanark County
"Surveyed July 1966". Visual scale. Shows fish species, timber and aquatic vegetation. Includes chart. Relief shown by contours.
Temperance Lake showing depth contours, vegetation and temperatures
Temperance Lake showing depth contours, vegetation and temperatures
"Conservation Authorities Br. Dep't. E.&R.M. N.T. 1965". Visual Scale. Shows density of vegetation, shoreline bottem and chief vegetation. Relief shown by contours. Includes chart.
Ten Mile Lake
Ten Mile Lake
"Survey dates, August 18 - September 1, 1967". Visual scale. Relief shown by contours. Includes text.
Upper Beverley Lake showing depth contours
Upper Beverley Lake showing depth contours
"Conservation Authorities Br. Dept. E.&R.M. DMc. 1965." Visual Scale. Relief shown by contours. Includes chart.
Upper High Falls
Upper High Falls
"Surveyed July66". Visual scale. Shows fish species, timber and aquatic vegetation. Includes chart. Relief shown by contours.
Wakekobi Lake (Big Basswood)
Wakekobi Lake (Big Basswood)
"Survey date, June 1966". Visual scale. Relief shown by contours. Includes text.
Weikwabinonaw Lake
Weikwabinonaw Lake
"Survey date - August 2, 1963". Visual scale. Relief shown by contours. Includes text.
Weslemkoon Lake
Weslemkoon Lake
"Survey date, surveys of varying intensity and purpose have been conducted on this lake since 1961". Visual scale. Relief shown by contours. Includes text.
Widow Lake, Lanark County
Widow Lake, Lanark County
"Surveyed July 1966". Visual scale. Shows fish species, timber and aquatic vegetation. Includes chart. Relief shown by contours. North arrow oriented to the right.
