[Passchendaele Region : after 3rd Battle of Ypres, Passchendaele Battlefield, trench and target map, February 1918]
In upper, left corner of map: C2. Overprint in black: Target map 12-2-18. "Trenches corrected to 3-2-18". "Field Survey Co. R.E. [indecipherable numbers crossed out and replaced with] (8274) 6-2-18 [in red overprint] (8312) 13-2-18" [in black overprint]. Detail, grid and contours grey-brown; flooded areas blue; very marshy areas pale blue; overprints in red or black. Situation at the end of the Passchendaele battle., Location: Research Collections; Fonds: WW1 Trench Maps: France; Box number: PC22; envelope_number: 683