Dundas Road : [Lens Battlefield August 1918, Canadian Corps Intelligence log map]
Sheet number: [36c SW1]. "Trenches corrected to 18-8-18." "Note change of colour, British trenches red, German trenches blue". "All previous log maps to be destroyed, 23-8-18." Shows British front trench system and German front & rear trench systems. "Field Survey Battn. R.E. 6682 [overprint] 6756." Reference: observation posts, organised shell holes, M.Gs, T.Ms, headquarters, post, centre of activity, dumps, lamp signalling stations, strong point, gas projector emplacements, emplacements (character unknown), A.A guns, telephone signalling stations, dressing stations., Location: Research Collections; Fonds: WW1 Trench Maps: France; Box number: PC19; envelope_number: 607