Brick works : [Loos Battlefield, Hill 70, medium & heavy artillery barrage map, 1917]
Sheet number: [36c SW]. Overprint in green: Barrage map for medium & heavy howitzers. "Trenches corrected to 20-7-17". "1st Field Survey Co., R.E. 2507." Detail, grid & contours grey; German trenches & names red; British front line grey; medium artillery barrage with battery numbers green; heavy artillery barrage with battery numbers blue. The medium & heavy artillery barrage map for the capture of Hill 70, 15 August 1917. Used by Major J.C. Thomson MC (OC 20th Siege Battery, 8-inch hows)., Location: Research Collections; Fonds: WW1 Trench Maps: France; Box number: PC21; envelope_number: 656