Map shows Binbrook Township (Concessions 1-4 and 7-9) and includes lots and property “blocks”. The map title is written on the right margin “Binbrook Township”. The map has a directional arrow stretching across the top of the map and pointing to the bottom as north. The town of Binbrook [known as Hall’s Corners prior to 1875] is located between Concessions 3 and 4, block #11. In 1791, the concessions were numbered and divided into five blocks each, numbered east to west. Each 1000 acre
block was subdivided into 200-acre single front lots. The exception was Block 5 (along the western edge), which contained only 600 acres of land and it was divided into three 200 acre lots. Additional
lands located south of Concession 4 (Concesssions 7-10) were incorporated into the township in 1800. The approximate outlines of the map are Trinity Church Road to the west, Rymal Road to the north, Westbrook Road to the east, and Hallbrook Road to the south. In the vicinity of Binbrook is an area labeled “Glebe”, meaning an area of land used to financially support the ministerial services of a parish priest.
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