This map does not include a title, scale, or directional arrow. The map is a survey of Michael Aikman's property in central Hamilton. It faces east and shows the Niagara Escarpment on the right side of the map. The streets listed on the map area: Main Street, Wentworth Street, Ida Street [now Delaware Avenue], Burlington Street [now approximately Myrtle Avenue] and the Fourth Concession Road [now Concession Street]. 13 lots are shown including a large open tract of land in the centre. At the base of the map there are signatures of reception and certification by the Registry Office in Hamilton: "Registry Office Hamilton, 29th February 1872." It features two dates: April 8, 1852 [certified] and February 29, 1872 [registered]. It is signed by the "Dep. Reg." [Deputy Registrar] and listed as a "copy".
Landowner Michael Aikman (1797-1881) was a well known politician and businessman in the area. He served as the Justice of the Peace in the Gore Disctrict, a member of the board of directors at the Gore Bank, an officer in the Upper Canada Rebellion of 1837, and a representative of Wentworth County in the Legislative Assemby of Upper Canada.
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