Preston, Ont. 1924

Preston, Ont. : [sheet 01]
Preston, Ont. : [sheet 01]
Sheet 1 of 16. "Key Plan, scale 500 feet=1 inch". Includes legend and index to blocks. "Population 5,355". "Survey dated Sept. 1910 - Reprinted March 1924".
Preston, Ont. : [sheet 02]
Preston, Ont. : [sheet 02]
Sheet 2 of 16. "Sept. 1910."
Preston, Ont. : [sheet 03]
Preston, Ont. : [sheet 03]
Sheet 3 of 16. "Sep. 1910."
Preston, Ont. : [sheet 04]
Preston, Ont. : [sheet 04]
Sheet 4 of 16. "Sept. 1910."
Preston, Ont. : [sheet 05]
Preston, Ont. : [sheet 05]
Sheet 5 of 16. "Sept. 1910."
Preston, Ont. : [sheet 06]
Preston, Ont. : [sheet 06]
Sheet 6 of 16. "Sept. 1910."
Preston, Ont. : [sheet 07]
Preston, Ont. : [sheet 07]
Sheet 7 of 16. "Sept. 1910."
Preston, Ont. : [sheet 08]
Preston, Ont. : [sheet 08]
Sheet 8 of 16. "Sept. 1910."
Preston, Ont. : [sheet 09]
Preston, Ont. : [sheet 09]
Sheet 9 of 16. "Sep. 1910."
Preston, Ont. : [sheet] 10
Preston, Ont. : [sheet] 10
Sheet 10 of 16. "Ext'n, March 1924". Includes inset, continuation south from sheet 15.
Preston, Ont. : [sheet] 11
Preston, Ont. : [sheet] 11
Sheet 11 of 16. "Sep. 1910."
Preston, Ont. : [sheet] 12
Preston, Ont. : [sheet] 12
Sheet 12 of 16. "Extension, March 1924 (part old sheet no. 12)".
Preston, Ont. : [sheet] 13
Preston, Ont. : [sheet] 13
Sheet 13 of 16. "Ext'n, March 1924". Includes 2 inset maps: continuation west, and inset of Geo. Pattinson & Co., Woollen Mills (scale 50 ft.=1 inch).
Preston, Ont. : [sheet] 14
Preston, Ont. : [sheet] 14
Sheet 14 of 16. "Mar. 1917, extension." "Copyright, Canada 1917, by Chas. E. Goad Co."
Preston, Ont. : [sheet] 15
Preston, Ont. : [sheet] 15
Sheet 15 of 16. "Extn March 1917, reprinted March 1924".
Preston, Ont. : [sheet] 16
Preston, Ont. : [sheet] 16
Sheet 16 of 16. "Ext'n. March 1917, reprinted March 1924". Includes inset, continuation west.