GSGS (Series); 4072A. "Southern zone layer system." "Compiled and drawn at War Office 1941. Heliographed at Ordnance Survey 1942." Europe (Air) conical orthomorphic (Mediterranean zone) projection.
GSGS (Series); 4072A. 2nd ed. "Southern zone layer system." "Compiled and drawn at War Office, 1941. Heliographed at Ordnance Survey, 1942." Europe (Air) conical orthomorphic (sub-Mediterranean zone) projection.
GSGS (Series); 4072A. "Southern zone layer system." "Compiled and drawn at War Office, 1942. Heliographed at Ordnance Survey, 1942." Europe (Air) conical orthomorphic (sub-Mediterranean zone) projection.
GSGS (Series); 4072A. "Southern zone layer system." "Compiled and drawn at War Office, 1941. Heliographed at Ordnance Survey, 1942." Europe (Air) conical orthomorphic (Mediterranean zone) projection.
GSGS (Series); 4072A. "Southern zone layer system." "Compiled and drawn at War Office, 1942. Heliographed at Ordnance Survey, 1942." Europe (Air) conical orthomorphic (sub-Mediterranean zone) projection.
GSGS (Series); 4072A. 2nd ed. "Southern zone layer system." "Compiled and drawn at War Office, 1942. Heliographed at Ordnance Survey, 1942." Europe (Air) conical orthomorphic (sub-Mediterranean zone) projection.
GSGS (Series); 4072A. "Southern zone layer system." "Compiled and drawn at War Office, 1942. Heliographed at Ordnance Survey, 1942." Europe (Air) conical orthomorphic (sub-Mediterranean zone) projection.
GSGS (Series); 4072A. "Southern zone layer system." "Compiled and drawn at War Office, 1941. Heliographed at Ordnance Survey, 1942." Europe (Air) conical orthomorphic (sub-Mediterranean zone) projection.
GSGS (Series); 4072A. "Southern zone layer system." "Compiled and drawn at War Office, 1941. Heliographed at Ordnance Survey, 1942." Europe (Air) conical orthomorphic (sub-Mediterranean zone) projection.
GSGS (Series); 4072A. 2nd ed. "Southern zone layer system." "Compiled and drawn at War Office, 1941. Heliographed at Ordnance Survey, 1941." Europe (Air) conical orthomorphic (sub-Mediterranean zone) projection.
GSGS (Series); 4072A. "Southern zone layer system." "Compiled and drawn at War Office, 1941. Heliographed at O.S., 1941." Europe (Air) conical orthomorphic (Mediterranean zone) projection.