"Prepared under the direction of the Chief Engineer, GHQ, SWPA, by Base Map Plant, U.S. Army". "Preliminary sheet, subject to correction." "Compilation from Dutch maps, 1:100000, Blad 40 (Alg. no. XXIX-101) and Blad 39 en 55 (Alg. no. XXIX-100 en XXX-100), dated 1926 and Blad 101/XXX (oud no. 56), dated 1940." "LHQ/MISC/6289". Lambert conical orthomorphic projection.
A.M.S. (Series) ; 5201. "AMS 2". At head of map sheet: Asia transportation map, sheet no. 1. "Compiled and drawn under the direction of the Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army, 1943, by the Army Map Service, Washington, D.C." Lambert conical orthomorphic projection.