Printed map. "Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1855, by J.H. Colton, in the Clerks Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York". Map shows railways, roads, canals, counties, cities, towns and villages. Visual scale. Includes two insets: Wolf Island at the commencement of the River St. Lawrence, and Vicinity of the Welland Canal & Niagara Falls. In lower right margin, "No. 6." Described in Winearls, Mapping Upper Canada 1780-1867, entry 196 (4b), p. 68: [In Colton's Atlas of the World (New York: 1855)], "copy with the add of 'No. 6' at bottom right, Barrie-Collingwood railway shown completed, railway line from Pt Huron west, and sometimes with 'Clks' instead of 'Clerks' in registration statement; also in Coltons's Atlas of the World (New York: 1856)". Acquired as part of the Hodsoll Collection.