Plan of the action at Huberton under Brigadier Genl. Frazer, supported by Major Genl. Reidesel, on the 7th. July 1777
Map 2 in a collection of 6 maps entitled, Maps of the expedition from Canada of Gen. Burgoyne, engraved and published by William Faden, London, 1780. "Drawn by P. Gerlach Deputy Quarter Master General. Engraved by Wm. Faden." "Published as the Act directs Feby. 1st. 1780, by W. Faden Charing Cross." Visual scale, "scale of 200 paces to an inch." The north arrow is pointing down. Described in Sellers and Van Ee, Maps and Charts of North America and the West Indies 1750-1789, entry 1184, p. 254-5: "Shows the disposition of British and American troops at various stages of the battle, roads, bridges, lines of march, vegetation, and relief. Includes references."