Dr. Anthony Macfarlane collection


Zoological results based on material from New Britain, New Guinea, Loyalty Islands and elsewhere
Zoological results based on material from New Britain, New Guinea, Loyalty Islands and elsewhere
pt. 1. The anatomy and development of Peripatus novae-britanniae, by A. Willey.--Metaprotella sandalensis, n. sp. [Caprellidae] by Dr. P. Mayer.--On a little-known sea-snake from the South Pacific, by G. A. Boulenger.--Report on the centipedes and millipedes, by R. I. Pocock.--Account of the Phasmidae with notes on the eggs, by D. Sharp.--Scorpions, Pedipalpi and spiders, by R. I. Pocock.--pt. 2. Report on the specimens of the genus Millepora, by S. J. Hickson.--Report on the echinoderms (other than holothurians), by F. J. Bell.--Holothurians, by F. P. Bedford.--Report on the Sipunculoidea, by A. E. Shipley.--On the solitary corals, by J. S. Gardiner.--On a collection of earthworms, by F. E. Beddard.--The Gorgonacea, by I. L. Hiles.--pt. 3. Orthogenetic variation in the shells of Chelonia, by H. Gadow.--Enteropneusta from the South Pacific, with notes on the West Indian species, by A. Willey.--On a collection of echiurids from the Loyalty Islands, New Britain and China straits, with an attempt to revise the group and to determine its geographical range, by A. E. Shipley.--pt. 4. On the anatomy of a supposed new species of Coenopsammia from Lifu, by J. S. Gardiner.--On the insects from New Britain, by D. Sharp.--On theStomatopoda and Macrura brought by Dr. Willey from the South seas, by L. A. Borradaile.--Report on the slugs, by W. E. Collinge., Report on the Polyzoa collected by Dr. Willey from the Loyalty Isles, New Guinea and New Britain, by E. G. Philipps.--The hydroid zoophytes collected by Dr. Willey in the southern seas, by L. R. Thornely.--Astrosclera willeyana, the type of a new family of sponges, by J. J. Lister.--A contribution towards our knowledge of the pterylography of the Megapodii, by W. P. Pycraft.--The Stolonifera and Alcyonacea collected by Dr. Willey in New Britain, etc., by S. J. Hickson and I. L. Hiles.--Report on the Xeniidae collected by Dr. Willey, by J. H. Ashworth.--pt. 5. A description of the Entozoa collected by Dr. Willey during his sojourn in the Western Pacific, by A. E. Shipley.--On some South Pacific nemertines collected by Dr. Willey, by R. C. Punnett.--On the young of the robber crab, by L. A. Borradaile.--Anatomy of Neohelia porcellana (Moseley), by E. M. Pratt.--On a new blind snake from Lifu, Loyalty Islands, by G. A. Boulenger.--On Crustacea brought by Dr. Willey from the South seas, by the Rev. T. R. R. Stebbing.--pt. 6. Contribution to the natural history of the pearly nautilus, by A. Willey., by Arthur Willey ..., Paged continuously., Includes bibliographical references.
Zoological results based on material from New Britain, New Guinea, Loyalty Islands and elsewhere
Zoological results based on material from New Britain, New Guinea, Loyalty Islands and elsewhere
pt. 1. The anatomy and development of Peripatus novae-britanniae, by A. Willey.--Metaprotella sandalensis, n. sp. [Caprellidae] by Dr. P. Mayer.--On a little-known sea-snake from the South Pacific, by G. A. Boulenger.--Report on the centipedes and millipedes, by R. I. Pocock.--Account of the Phasmidae with notes on the eggs, by D. Sharp.--Scorpions, Pedipalpi and spiders, by R. I. Pocock.--pt. 2. Report on the specimens of the genus Millepora, by S. J. Hickson.--Report on the echinoderms (other than holothurians), by F. J. Bell.--Holothurians, by F. P. Bedford.--Report on the Sipunculoidea, by A. E. Shipley.--On the solitary corals, by J. S. Gardiner.--On a collection of earthworms, by F. E. Beddard.--The Gorgonacea, by I. L. Hiles.--pt. 3. Orthogenetic variation in the shells of Chelonia, by H. Gadow.--Enteropneusta from the South Pacific, with notes on the West Indian species, by A. Willey.--On a collection of echiurids from the Loyalty Islands, New Britain and China straits, with an attempt to revise the group and to determine its geographical range, by A. E. Shipley.--pt. 4. On the anatomy of a supposed new species of Coenopsammia from Lifu, by J. S. Gardiner.--On the insects from New Britain, by D. Sharp.--On theStomatopoda and Macrura brought by Dr. Willey from the South seas, by L. A. Borradaile.--Report on the slugs, by W. E. Collinge., Report on the Polyzoa collected by Dr. Willey from the Loyalty Isles, New Guinea and New Britain, by E. G. Philipps.--The hydroid zoophytes collected by Dr. Willey in the southern seas, by L. R. Thornely.--Astrosclera willeyana, the type of a new family of sponges, by J. J. Lister.--A contribution towards our knowledge of the pterylography of the Megapodii, by W. P. Pycraft.--The Stolonifera and Alcyonacea collected by Dr. Willey in New Britain, etc., by S. J. Hickson and I. L. Hiles.--Report on the Xeniidae collected by Dr. Willey, by J. H. Ashworth.--pt. 5. A description of the Entozoa collected by Dr. Willey during his sojourn in the Western Pacific, by A. E. Shipley.--On some South Pacific nemertines collected by Dr. Willey, by R. C. Punnett.--On the young of the robber crab, by L. A. Borradaile.--Anatomy of Neohelia porcellana (Moseley), by E. M. Pratt.--On a new blind snake from Lifu, Loyalty Islands, by G. A. Boulenger.--On Crustacea brought by Dr. Willey from the South seas, by the Rev. T. R. R. Stebbing.--pt. 6. Contribution to the natural history of the pearly nautilus, by A. Willey., by Arthur Willey ..., Paged continuously., Includes bibliographical references.
Zoological results based on material from New Britain, New Guinea, Loyalty Islands and elsewhere
Zoological results based on material from New Britain, New Guinea, Loyalty Islands and elsewhere
pt. 1. The anatomy and development of Peripatus novae-britanniae, by A. Willey.--Metaprotella sandalensis, n. sp. [Caprellidae] by Dr. P. Mayer.--On a little-known sea-snake from the South Pacific, by G. A. Boulenger.--Report on the centipedes and millipedes, by R. I. Pocock.--Account of the Phasmidae with notes on the eggs, by D. Sharp.--Scorpions, Pedipalpi and spiders, by R. I. Pocock.--pt. 2. Report on the specimens of the genus Millepora, by S. J. Hickson.--Report on the echinoderms (other than holothurians), by F. J. Bell.--Holothurians, by F. P. Bedford.--Report on the Sipunculoidea, by A. E. Shipley.--On the solitary corals, by J. S. Gardiner.--On a collection of earthworms, by F. E. Beddard.--The Gorgonacea, by I. L. Hiles.--pt. 3. Orthogenetic variation in the shells of Chelonia, by H. Gadow.--Enteropneusta from the South Pacific, with notes on the West Indian species, by A. Willey.--On a collection of echiurids from the Loyalty Islands, New Britain and China straits, with an attempt to revise the group and to determine its geographical range, by A. E. Shipley.--pt. 4. On the anatomy of a supposed new species of Coenopsammia from Lifu, by J. S. Gardiner.--On the insects from New Britain, by D. Sharp.--On theStomatopoda and Macrura brought by Dr. Willey from the South seas, by L. A. Borradaile.--Report on the slugs, by W. E. Collinge., Report on the Polyzoa collected by Dr. Willey from the Loyalty Isles, New Guinea and New Britain, by E. G. Philipps.--The hydroid zoophytes collected by Dr. Willey in the southern seas, by L. R. Thornely.--Astrosclera willeyana, the type of a new family of sponges, by J. J. Lister.--A contribution towards our knowledge of the pterylography of the Megapodii, by W. P. Pycraft.--The Stolonifera and Alcyonacea collected by Dr. Willey in New Britain, etc., by S. J. Hickson and I. L. Hiles.--Report on the Xeniidae collected by Dr. Willey, by J. H. Ashworth.--pt. 5. A description of the Entozoa collected by Dr. Willey during his sojourn in the Western Pacific, by A. E. Shipley.--On some South Pacific nemertines collected by Dr. Willey, by R. C. Punnett.--On the young of the robber crab, by L. A. Borradaile.--Anatomy of Neohelia porcellana (Moseley), by E. M. Pratt.--On a new blind snake from Lifu, Loyalty Islands, by G. A. Boulenger.--On Crustacea brought by Dr. Willey from the South seas, by the Rev. T. R. R. Stebbing.--pt. 6. Contribution to the natural history of the pearly nautilus, by A. Willey., by Arthur Willey ..., Paged continuously., Includes bibliographical references.
historical account of the black empire of Hayti
historical account of the black empire of Hayti
By Marcus Rainsford., Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site., Includes bibliographical references and index.
pocket guide to the West Indies
pocket guide to the West Indies
by Algernon E. Aspinall., "Books on the West Indies": p. 41-45., New and revised edition.
trip to the West Indies
trip to the West Indies
by E.W. Howe.
