pt. 1. The anatomy and development of Peripatus novae-britanniae, by A. Willey.--Metaprotella sandalensis, n. sp. [Caprellidae] by Dr. P. Mayer.--On a little-known sea-snake from the South Pacific, by G. A. Boulenger.--Report on the centipedes and millipedes, by R. I. Pocock.--Account of the Phasmidae with notes on the eggs, by D. Sharp.--Scorpions, Pedipalpi and spiders, by R. I. Pocock.--pt. 2. Report on the specimens of the genus Millepora, by S. J. Hickson.--Report on the echinoderms (other than holothurians), by F. J. Bell.--Holothurians, by F. P. Bedford.--Report on the Sipunculoidea, by A. E. Shipley.--On the solitary corals, by J. S. Gardiner.--On a collection of earthworms, by F. E. Beddard.--The Gorgonacea, by I. L. Hiles.--pt. 3. Orthogenetic variation in the shells of Chelonia, by H. Gadow.--Enteropneusta from the South Pacific, with notes on the West Indian species, by A. Willey.--On a collection of echiurids from the Loyalty Islands, New Britain and China straits, with an attempt to revise the group and to determine its geographical range, by A. E. Shipley.--pt. 4. On the anatomy of a supposed new species of Coenopsammia from Lifu, by J. S. Gardiner.--On the insects from New Britain, by D. Sharp.--On theStomatopoda and Macrura brought by Dr. Willey from the South seas, by L. A. Borradaile.--Report on the slugs, by W. E. Collinge., Report on the Polyzoa collected by Dr. Willey from the Loyalty Isles, New Guinea and New Britain, by E. G. Philipps.--The hydroid zoophytes collected by Dr. Willey in the southern seas, by L. R. Thornely.--Astrosclera willeyana, the type of a new family of sponges, by J. J. Lister.--A contribution towards our knowledge of the pterylography of the Megapodii, by W. P. Pycraft.--The Stolonifera and Alcyonacea collected by Dr. Willey in New Britain, etc., by S. J. Hickson and I. L. Hiles.--Report on the Xeniidae collected by Dr. Willey, by J. H. Ashworth.--pt. 5. A description of the Entozoa collected by Dr. Willey during his sojourn in the Western Pacific, by A. E. Shipley.--On some South Pacific nemertines collected by Dr. Willey, by R. C. Punnett.--On the young of the robber crab, by L. A. Borradaile.--Anatomy of Neohelia porcellana (Moseley), by E. M. Pratt.--On a new blind snake from Lifu, Loyalty Islands, by G. A. Boulenger.--On Crustacea brought by Dr. Willey from the South seas, by the Rev. T. R. R. Stebbing.--pt. 6. Contribution to the natural history of the pearly nautilus, by A. Willey., by Arthur Willey ..., Paged continuously., Includes bibliographical references.
pt. 1. The anatomy and development of Peripatus novae-britanniae, by A. Willey.--Metaprotella sandalensis, n. sp. [Caprellidae] by Dr. P. Mayer.--On a little-known sea-snake from the South Pacific, by G. A. Boulenger.--Report on the centipedes and millipedes, by R. I. Pocock.--Account of the Phasmidae with notes on the eggs, by D. Sharp.--Scorpions, Pedipalpi and spiders, by R. I. Pocock.--pt. 2. Report on the specimens of the genus Millepora, by S. J. Hickson.--Report on the echinoderms (other than holothurians), by F. J. Bell.--Holothurians, by F. P. Bedford.--Report on the Sipunculoidea, by A. E. Shipley.--On the solitary corals, by J. S. Gardiner.--On a collection of earthworms, by F. E. Beddard.--The Gorgonacea, by I. L. Hiles.--pt. 3. Orthogenetic variation in the shells of Chelonia, by H. Gadow.--Enteropneusta from the South Pacific, with notes on the West Indian species, by A. Willey.--On a collection of echiurids from the Loyalty Islands, New Britain and China straits, with an attempt to revise the group and to determine its geographical range, by A. E. Shipley.--pt. 4. On the anatomy of a supposed new species of Coenopsammia from Lifu, by J. S. Gardiner.--On the insects from New Britain, by D. Sharp.--On theStomatopoda and Macrura brought by Dr. Willey from the South seas, by L. A. Borradaile.--Report on the slugs, by W. E. Collinge., Report on the Polyzoa collected by Dr. Willey from the Loyalty Isles, New Guinea and New Britain, by E. G. Philipps.--The hydroid zoophytes collected by Dr. Willey in the southern seas, by L. R. Thornely.--Astrosclera willeyana, the type of a new family of sponges, by J. J. Lister.--A contribution towards our knowledge of the pterylography of the Megapodii, by W. P. Pycraft.--The Stolonifera and Alcyonacea collected by Dr. Willey in New Britain, etc., by S. J. Hickson and I. L. Hiles.--Report on the Xeniidae collected by Dr. Willey, by J. H. Ashworth.--pt. 5. A description of the Entozoa collected by Dr. Willey during his sojourn in the Western Pacific, by A. E. Shipley.--On some South Pacific nemertines collected by Dr. Willey, by R. C. Punnett.--On the young of the robber crab, by L. A. Borradaile.--Anatomy of Neohelia porcellana (Moseley), by E. M. Pratt.--On a new blind snake from Lifu, Loyalty Islands, by G. A. Boulenger.--On Crustacea brought by Dr. Willey from the South seas, by the Rev. T. R. R. Stebbing.--pt. 6. Contribution to the natural history of the pearly nautilus, by A. Willey., by Arthur Willey ..., Paged continuously., Includes bibliographical references.
pt. 1. The anatomy and development of Peripatus novae-britanniae, by A. Willey.--Metaprotella sandalensis, n. sp. [Caprellidae] by Dr. P. Mayer.--On a little-known sea-snake from the South Pacific, by G. A. Boulenger.--Report on the centipedes and millipedes, by R. I. Pocock.--Account of the Phasmidae with notes on the eggs, by D. Sharp.--Scorpions, Pedipalpi and spiders, by R. I. Pocock.--pt. 2. Report on the specimens of the genus Millepora, by S. J. Hickson.--Report on the echinoderms (other than holothurians), by F. J. Bell.--Holothurians, by F. P. Bedford.--Report on the Sipunculoidea, by A. E. Shipley.--On the solitary corals, by J. S. Gardiner.--On a collection of earthworms, by F. E. Beddard.--The Gorgonacea, by I. L. Hiles.--pt. 3. Orthogenetic variation in the shells of Chelonia, by H. Gadow.--Enteropneusta from the South Pacific, with notes on the West Indian species, by A. Willey.--On a collection of echiurids from the Loyalty Islands, New Britain and China straits, with an attempt to revise the group and to determine its geographical range, by A. E. Shipley.--pt. 4. On the anatomy of a supposed new species of Coenopsammia from Lifu, by J. S. Gardiner.--On the insects from New Britain, by D. Sharp.--On theStomatopoda and Macrura brought by Dr. Willey from the South seas, by L. A. Borradaile.--Report on the slugs, by W. E. Collinge., Report on the Polyzoa collected by Dr. Willey from the Loyalty Isles, New Guinea and New Britain, by E. G. Philipps.--The hydroid zoophytes collected by Dr. Willey in the southern seas, by L. R. Thornely.--Astrosclera willeyana, the type of a new family of sponges, by J. J. Lister.--A contribution towards our knowledge of the pterylography of the Megapodii, by W. P. Pycraft.--The Stolonifera and Alcyonacea collected by Dr. Willey in New Britain, etc., by S. J. Hickson and I. L. Hiles.--Report on the Xeniidae collected by Dr. Willey, by J. H. Ashworth.--pt. 5. A description of the Entozoa collected by Dr. Willey during his sojourn in the Western Pacific, by A. E. Shipley.--On some South Pacific nemertines collected by Dr. Willey, by R. C. Punnett.--On the young of the robber crab, by L. A. Borradaile.--Anatomy of Neohelia porcellana (Moseley), by E. M. Pratt.--On a new blind snake from Lifu, Loyalty Islands, by G. A. Boulenger.--On Crustacea brought by Dr. Willey from the South seas, by the Rev. T. R. R. Stebbing.--pt. 6. Contribution to the natural history of the pearly nautilus, by A. Willey., by Arthur Willey ..., Paged continuously., Includes bibliographical references.