By Geo. Francis Train ... With an introduction by Freeman Hunt., The English edition was published under the title "Young America abroad, in Europe, Asia, and Australia."
Title varies slightly., Also issued online., First report covers the period from May 1, 1900 to May 1, 1901; 2nd report covers the period from May 1,1901 to July 1, 1902; beginning with <3rd>, report year ends June 30., Issued also in: Annual reports of the War Dept.
collected from the speech of the Right Hon. Henry Dundas, in the House of commons, on the 28th of April, 1796, and from the documents laid before the house upon that subject.
escrita por Antonio de Herrera ... en ocho decadas. Sigue a la ultima decada la Descripcion de las Indias por el mismo autor ..., Engraved title-pages, each with the royal coat of arms of Spain., "The portraits and plates ... are copies from De Bry, by [Gaspar and by P.B.] Bouttats [and M. Souard], and are not so accurate as those which are used in Barcia's edition."--Sabin 31545., "Descripcion de las islas, y tierra firme del mar oceano" has independent title-page and separate paging and registration., Medina BHA 2670, Astor.